Our Work
Focuses on equitable outcomes, redress and justice
What We Fight Against
Systemic inequalities that create an unfair system

How You Can Help
Become a member or donate now to help disrupt inequalities in America.
and its impact on multiple fronts every day. The Freeman Initiative works for change.
What types of change?
We work to change legislation and laws that target people by race unjustly. -
We work to change oppressive policies and procedures. -
We work to change unfair systems and predatory practices. -
We work to change the dominant narratives that normalize rights violations. -
We work to change opinions and perspectives to be more inclusive and fair. -
We work to change racialized experiences in our schools, workplaces, and communities.
The Freeman Initiative works to change America into a great country for all of its citizens, instead of just a few. Disruptions such as the pandemic, political divisions, educational curricula debates, and fatal over-policing have fueled a new level of polarization in our country that endangers progress on the racial and economic injustices that have always been at the center of the American story.

The Freeman Initiative is dedicated to advancing the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and bringing the ideals that this country was founded upon to fruition for all of its citizens. However, we can only do this if we dismantle the institutions and systems perpetuating race-based oppression and poverty. Accordingly, we work for and with threatened communities to fight for justice, equality, equity, and freedom through litigation support, advocacy, research, data analysis, education, and strategic public communications.
Speaking of threatened communities in America, no community is more consistently marginalized, discriminated against, and disproportionately at peril than Black Americans and their families. Hence, the Freeman Initiative provides training, workshops, and toolkits designed to encourage policies and social changes that may help improve America’s race relationships and collective consciousness. The Freeman Initiative also supports organizations, programs, initiatives, and individuals working to secure the political, educational, environmental, social, and economic rights and redress of Black people and to eliminate race-based discrimination.