Beyond Tolerance Leadership Training

Freeman Initiative’s Beyond Tolerance Leadership Training Program leverages a range of diverse voices to empower and mobilize advocates at the local, state, and federal levels to build an informed public will for laws and policies that promote equality, support equitable outcomes, and protect civil rights. We host webinars as well as provide public education materials and toolkits to assist in this process.

Black American equal opportunity
Black American equal opportunity

The ideals that America was founded upon never fully vested for all of its citizens. From police encounters and sentencing to applying for a loan or mortgage, many Americans do not realize that Black people are still the most unfairly treated across different facets of life. This demonstrates that racial equality remains an elusive goal. Public education about racial discrimination, barriers to Black progress and the prospects for change are needed now more than ever if we are to have a genuinely just, inclusive, and fair democracy.

By sharing innovative research and data around the country and starting productive conversations, the Beyond Tolerance Leadership Education Program can help shift negative narratives and opinions on race and civil rights. It can also empower future leaders and advocates on the national and local levels to take the actions needed to implement reparations. We can make this community engagement possible with your support.

Black American equal opportunity
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