
Government policies have the potential to enrich people’s lives materially as well as encourage their participation as citizens. They also have tremendous power to worsen people’s lives materially as well as discourage their participation as citizens. Freedmen was the term used to identify America’s emancipated slaves and their descendants after chattel slavery was abolished in the United States following the Civil War. America’s Freedmen were supposed to be Freemen entitled to all of the personal, political, and civil rights granted to our country’s citizens. Yet, America repeatedly used race to deny its newest Freemen the full scope of these benefits conferred with citizenship, including equal access to participate in economic opportunities. The U.S. government intentionally enacted wealth-building policies designed to exclude the Freedmen. This is the history of America’s chattel slaves and their descendants, and it will take remedies limited specifically to this group to begin to repair the injuries that now span across multiple generations.

African American Civil Rights.

The Freeman Initiative was conceived after both reviewing a growing body of data that corroborated Black Americans, specifically descendants of American chattel slavery, experienced disproportionately negative outcomes in nearly every socioeconomic status measurement, and hearing the collective outcry against their plight under the increasing awareness of how systemic racism perpetuates generational oppression and poverty within this group of people. Whether we are talking about the racial wealth gap, government surveillance and profiling, incarceration, housing discrimination, property evaluation, voting suppression, employment, healthcare, drug arrests, immigration policies enforcement, or environmental planning and pollution, systemic racism plays a part in nearly every aspect of Black life in America. Social justice movements and increasing advocacy for education, policies, and legislation to fix the injuries inflicted by government sanctioned inequities and unjust treatment have never been needed more than now.

Our Mission

Freeman Initiative’s primary mission is to help dismantle institutions and systems that perpetuate race-based oppression and poverty. We provide training, programs, and toolkits designed to foster advocacy for transformative policy and social changes in America. The Freeman Initiative also provides support to organizations, programs, initiatives, and individuals working to secure the political, educational, environmental, social, and economic rights and redress of Black people and to eliminate race-based discrimination. Activate your membership or donate now to help disrupt inequalities in America and create a real equal opportunity society.

Our Vision

Freeman Initiative envisions a fair and inclusive society that not only understands disparities and why they exist but is committed to implementing transformative solutions that impact multiple systems for equitable outcomes. We also envision reparations and another redress for descendants of American chattel slavery.

Our Programs

Freeman Initiative focuses on programs and activities designed to educate the public and foster support for equitable systemic policy changes on issues of civil rights, health disparities, discrimination, generational oppression, poverty and economic redress including reparations. The data shows that the current race-based outcomes in America need to change. You can participate right now by helping us build power at the grassroots level to accelerate legislative reform nationally for real legal and social transformations in racial justice.


Beyond Tolerance Leadership Training

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Citizens Voting Rights Reform

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Action to End Health Disparities

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Police-free Equity in American Education

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Combating Environmental Racism

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Our History is American History Too

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